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Ho’oponopono workshop Bratislava

Dankbaar dat ik op 25 en 26 oktober 2014 een Ho’oponopono workshop mag geven in Bratislava. Hierbij de aankondiging.

October 25-26, 2014 in Hotel SUZA, Bratislava, Slovakia

Instructor: Willem Vreeswjk (in English with Slovak translation)

self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono (SITH) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that are experienced as problems. SITH was developed by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au. She was recognized by the State of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983.

When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds.

The updated Ho’oponopono process provides “a step by step approach to achieving Peace, Balance and a new meaning of life through an understanding of one’s Self-I-dentity.”

Organizational information:

Class description: Here is just a small sample of what you’ll learn from this incredible 2-day seminar …
— Five questions you absolutely, positively must answer
— Who you really are
— What a problem is and where it is
— How problems are REALLY solved
— The purpose of existence
— What is the difference is between data and “zero”
— How to erase the trash you possess
— The importance of getting to “zero”
— Three states of being and how they affect you
— Why you need to help yourself – not others
— The importance of gratitude
— The four elements of the mind
— Who the creator is
— How to use your super conscious
— Why you don’t decide anything
— The meaning and use of the word Hawaii
— A guided breathing exercise that will amaze you
— And if that is not enough for you – THERE’S LOTS MORE!

You’ll also learn…
— What Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono is and how you can harness its power
— Why you need to let go of intentions
— Why you need to constantly clean and erase – and what that means
— The amazing story of “Zero”
— The power of something magical called Ice Blue
— What the shield is and how you use it
— The definition of an intention
— Why the body ages
— Where true inspiration comes from
— How long you should clean for
— And finally —- how to get to the incredible state of “Zero” itself.

Lectures start at 10 a.m., end at 5 p.m.

We wish you PEACE beyond all understanding

„I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.“
„Miluji tě. Omlouvám se. Prosím, odpusť mi. Děkuji ti.“
„Aloha wauia oe. Ua kaumaha au. E kala mai `oe ia`u. Mahalo.“

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